2009年9月27日 星期日


三寶 three treasures
玄關竅 main gate
五字真言 five words
合仝 holy hand sign
寶貴 priceless, valuable
五教聖人 The five religious personnel
佛陀Buddha, 耶穌Jesus Christ, 穆罕默德Prophet Muhammad,
老子Lao Tze, 孔子Confucius)
氣天神仙 deities, saints
氣天 Celestial world
氣天神 Celestial being
老母娘 Heavenly Mother
引師 introducer
保師 guarantor
點傳師 Master.
理天 heaven
佛緣 affinity with Buddha
祖上有德 your ancestors did good things/deeds (while they're alive)
十二元會 twelve periods
青陽 The Green Stage
白蓮藕 white lotus root
百歲年老歸空 when our lives are due
去脾氣,改毛病 amend our bad habits and temper
降下災劫 send down disasters
孟子 Mencius
天命 God's order
執著 clinging and grasping
三才 holy medium
老前人 Grand Senior Elder
點傳師 Master
講師 Lecturer
諸天仙佛 Heavenly Deities and Buddhas
因果報應;業 karma
注定的 predestined
百日修煉 100 days of cultivation retreat
積功 accumulate merits
了愿 fulfill vows
凡間眾生 the Worldly beings
卵生 oviparous
胎生 viviparous
老實 honest, naïve
實在 dependable
坦蕩 magnanimous
規矩 well-behaved
包容 寬容 forgive
佛規禮節 discipline and etiquette
古聖先賢 saints and sages throughout human history
萬教源頭 headwaters/origin of all religions
無所不在 ubiquitous
千經萬典 scriptures and sutras
法門 dharma(s)
真我 true self, divine self
世界大同 the Great Harmony /World Harmony
在自身 resides in each of us/ We possess it intrinsically, dwell within us
真理 the ultimate truth
無分別 impartial, unconditional
無形無相 invisible and intangible
假我 false self
點出 point out
In order to fulfill and satisfy the sensational desires of the false self, we may commit wrong-doings and harm others, eventually creating troubles for ourselves.
啟發 enlighten
讀破千經萬典,不如明師一點 The enlightenment of Dao is superior to studying thousands of sutras.
生死輪迴 rebirth cycle
諸天神聖 Buddhas and saints
The troubles and worries we face in our daily life mostly result from our disregard of the true self.
上天慈悲,大開普渡,拯救善男信女 Merciful God makes Dao available to everybody in order to save the good people.
天命明師 authorized masters
抱著道心 act upon our conscience
萬靈真宰 Great Lord of All Beings
山崩地裂 mountains collapse and lands crack
違反天律 defy the Heavenly Decree
修道 practice Dao
脫苦 alleviate the suffering and misfortunes
身軟如棉,面色如生 dead bodies remain soft and faces vivid
大化小,小化無 to get away from the danger or reduced the damage to the minimum
積功累德 accumulate good deeds/merits
極樂 eternal happiness
All those who wish to be my true disciples must carry his own cross.
好時機 golden opportunity
五常 the five constituents of man
仁 benevolence 義 righteousness
禮 etiquette 智 wisdom
信 sincerity

